How to Fix MPEG-2 in Snow Leopard
This is, to my searches, a common problem on OTHER SITES [Boo. Hiss.--Ed.]. I, long ago, purchased the
MPEG-2 components for QT-6 and QT-7 so I was pissed at the thought I would have to re-purchase it. To answer my questions, Apple--still trying to overcome M$'s lead in "worst customer service" demanded I have Apple Care.
But there is a solution.
1. If You Have the MPEG-2
Reinstall: Seems simple enough. If you purchased this for QT-7 in the past you can try re-installing it. You will have to restart. It may work, because the components will be where they should be. My problem is the Installer never, ever "finished." So I tried the next. This may have worked with
Restart if I tried it.
Grab Component: Assuming you backed up everything BEFORE your upgrade and you have that still--in anticipation of problems--simply go to your back up, and go to:
System →
Library →
Find this component shown:
sticketh it in the same folder for your 10.6
Restart and
voila! I noticed the same thing existed after my potentially "failed" installs, so that might have worked.
2. If You Have Final Cut Pro: According to searches you can take the component from the FCP disk and place it in the folder as above. I do not have FCP and cannot confirm, but other posters seemed happy.
Hope this helps!

After this both
QT-7 and
QT X played the MPEG-2.