Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

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Oooh, i didn't tick the part "Check as you type". Thanks man, thats one to "check off" my list!

Dammit, its got me using proper words now :(

Geez, give it a break, it's still in beta! You think Safari will include all those six-legged features in the (so-called) final release?
wait, if we're at thingy 67, and soon we'll be at v70, does that mean that v100 (33 thingies from now) will be version 1.0? Cuz if it is, then this is what i've figured it. 1.3 months=10 thingies. April=70. May=80. June=90 (the time that 10.3 is ANNOUNCED!) September=100!!! (i must skip a month, for it to be released with panther 10.3!). so just a bunch more months until the thingies reach 100!
i confooz myself.......
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
Fryke, May i ask, why you're glad not to be american? ... i too am glad, being English is great! :D ...oh, and do you eat toblerone?! lol
This might take us far into off-topic, so I hope to answer this one shortly.

I'm glad I'm not American, because if I were American, I'd have to decide either to be _against_ my country or _for_ war. Neither would be nice. As a Swiss person, I'm not in that dilemma. I can read news from the sources I want and decide for myself. Much less pressure. And yes, from time to time I do eat Toblerone, although there's certainly much better chocolate in Switzerland than that one. :P

About webcore v68: Doesn't compile here without changes. javascriptcore v68 does compile, though, but I haven't tried implementing it into v67. I'm hoping for an official beta soon.

At least v67 shows that tabs are coming to the consumer version (not just in the debug menu).
wow fryke! i just noticed your signature! what was system 4 like? I think i used to use 7. What system was out 10 years ago????
Fryke, you'll never be in that dilemma because absolutely nobody hates the Swiss, the bankers of the world.
Originally posted by Androo
wow fryke! i just noticed your signature! what was system 4 like? I think i used to use 7. What system was out 10 years ago????
I think he says Finder 4, System 5... but whatever. 10 years ago, was 1993, which means we had our IIsi and it was relatively new, just a couple of years old... I think that was back in the days of System 6. Good God, that's an ancient system!
Originally posted by Androo
wow fryke! i just noticed your signature! what was system 4 like? I think i used to use 7. What system was out 10 years ago????

I have an original Macintosh in my office that boots System1/Finder1. It's truely amazing what hasen't changed in all these years. I also have a Lisa2 (any one with an old Lisa1 sitting around they want to get rid of?) running it's office suite and a MacXL that off hand I can't remember what system/finder version its running.

Like I said, it really is interesting going back and running the old stuff to see just how right Apple got it even back then. Other than things like color, a casual user would be hard pressed to notice any massive differences between S1/F1 and OS8. Of course it's a double edged sword and others can point to the relative lack of progress since the old days (and hence the emergence of OSX). Of course it wasn't for lack of trying (Pink anyone?).
Gotta agree here, binaryDigit... Still, I'm missing many, many things from OS 9 even when going back to System 7.1, which many say was the best System 7 ever, including Mac OS 8 (which was referred to as Mac OS 7.7 in early development builds). Simple things. Things we're missing now in OS X. WindowShade, for example, which was Shareware before System 7.5. :P
good idea!
safari 70 looks like the best one so far (since 62-67 are like betas for the beta 70).
wow system 1?! that must've been slow as hell. And that's bloody slow! (so i'm english now?)
Actually, System 1 is relatively small in code and - if ported - would actually be _bloody_ fast on today's hardware. But remember that those Macs were running at a bit less than 8 MHz. That's no typo. Btw... v70?! :P
Originally posted by fryke
Actually, System 1 is relatively small in code and - if ported - would actually be _bloody_ fast on today's hardware. But remember that those Macs were running at a bit less than 8 MHz. That's no typo.
Sure, it had to be small, considering the hardware it was running on. Yes, it would be fast on today's modern computers, but that's the point--they didn't have our G4's with 3 GB of RAM to run off; they only had 8 Mhz. So yes, it must have been slow. (Heh, try running Jaguar on a Lisa! Last time that happened, I think Homer got involved and probably got jacked in some way. ;))
Originally posted by arden
Sure, it had to be small, considering the hardware it was running on. Yes, it would be fast on today's modern computers, but that's the point--they didn't have our G4's with 3 GB of RAM to run off; they only had 8 Mhz. So yes, it must have been slow. (Heh, try running Jaguar on a Lisa! Last time that happened, I think Homer got involved and probably got jacked in some way. ;))

I think Fryke's point was that it's not the software that is slow, it's the hardware, an important distinction.

But beyond that, the important thing to take away is that the performance is relative. Back then a IIfx was waaaay fast, running the applications of the time. You can't really compare the two era's. I think that the fact that OSX runs as poorly as it does on my Pismo is pathetic (and ditto for Windoze and Linux). Todays software is a bloated mess and it needs the dual proccie 1.4ghz processors to be usable. Now the question to ask yourself is, what additional benefits am I getting from all this extra software. Well, fact is on my MacPlus, I can do reasonable desktop publishing and spit the results out on a laser printer and get results that are just as good as someone doing it today. There are obviously a few limitations, mainly in the areas of disk space and memory, but all that speed sure hasen't bought me as much as one would expect from just looking at raw mhz #'s. (hey that's funny, this is the same mantra Apple is pushing now, see, some things never change ;)
ooo cool! So if i install system 1 on my computer, it would be pretty good. But what would i use it for? probably for a laugh.
I think you can also install macosx on a macplus, once you put in a new hard drive and processor, you can run it in black and white. Imagine using safari v67 with tabs in it... (trying to get back on the subject...).............
LOL, imagine trying to run Safari on a Mac+... I don't think it has the required power to even get up to System 8, much less X.2.
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