What is your favourite quotes?

Mark Clemens was also reported to have quipped that Shakespeare did not write his plays; they were written by another with the same name.

Just being flammatory.


Here, this should help...


You can thank me in the morning. :p
There use to be adds where a person with "painful itching and swelling" would walk into a pharmacy for relief to find an entire wall devoted to Preparation H. Had to wonder what was wrong with the town's water supply to justify such a stock. Maybe the deli?

Kill v.t. To create a vacancy without nominating a successor.

--The Devil's Dictionary

HAVING murdered my mother under circumstances of singular atrocity, I was arrested and put upon my trial, which lasted seven years. In charging the jury, the judge of the Court of Acquittal remarked that it was one of the most ghastly crimes that he had ever been called upon to explain away.

At this, my attorney rose and said:

"May it please your Honor, crimes are ghastly or agreeable only by comparison. If you were familiar with the details of my client's previous murder of his uncle you would discern in his later offense (if offense it may be called) something in the nature of tender forbearance and filial consideration for the feelings of the victim. The appalling ferocity of the former assassination was indeed inconsistent with any hypothesis but that of guilt; and had it not been for the fact that the honorable judge before whom he was tried was the president of a life insurance company that took risks on hanging, and in which my client held a policy, it is hard to see how he could decently have been acquitted."

--"My Favorite Murder"

Early one June morning in 1872 I murdered my father - an act which made a deep impression on me at the time.

--"An Imperfect Conflagration"

--Ambrose Bierce


From one of my favorite books--the opening:

When I got over to Leonard's Christmas Eve night, he had the Kentucky Headhunters turned way up over at his place, and they were singing, "The Ballad of Davy Crockett," and Leonard, in a kind of Christmas celebration, was once again setting fire to the house next door.

--Joe R. Lansdale, The Two-Bear Mambo

Quotes are often misattributed. The first is generally attributed to Mark Twain or another guy, Samuel Clemens.

You got be careful with that...I'd estimate 50% of the population don't know they're the same guy. ;)
You got be careful with that...I'd estimate 50% of the population don't know they're the same guy. ;)

Well you know there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.


reed said:


Actually it was: "ηὕρηκα" or more properly: "ΗΥΡΗΚΑ!"


Though it is probably an apocryphal story, it remains a good one.

--J. "εγω ειμι" D.
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" - Mahatma Gandhi



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just don't stand in front of the train, no matter how fascinating the frequency of the whistle is..

Since this is a Mac site, in the midst of another, "Mac suxxorz cuz nothing works on it" debate:

seebs said:
[Describing Windows Modal Dialogue Box--Ed.] There is NOTHING you can do on Windows to fix this. You can never, for any amount of money, make using Windows not suck. You can get used to it and mostly put up with it and learn to get around all this crap (and that is merely one of dozens of essentially similar examples)... But you can never fix it.

seebs said:
If I take someone who's a bit annoyed by computers and doesn't really enjoy learning how to use new software, and I hand them a Windows XP machine and a camera, what are the chances of successful photo editing without cussing? I've tried this with a Mac. Plug the camera in over USB, pictures show up, informative and coherent dialog options are offered. I somehow doubt it works as seamlessly on Windows.

seebs said:
Finally, there's a key issue about the availability of developer tools. Developing for Windows is a pain. You can find things people like less, but I've never heard of anyone claiming that Windows was pleasant or enjoyable to program for. By contrast, developing for the Mac is actually mostly pretty pleasant. It's got some quirks, but the underlying model is a developer-friendly one. The system has real documentation, and the widespread availability of good tools means that the system gets a lot of attention, and a lot of bug reports... And yes, Apple processes and works on bug reports filed by people who haven't got support contracts. Unlike Microsoft.

What this means is that developers on the Mac are having more fun, and are spending less time fighting the machine. Per hour of development, the software is consistently better. The software is more likely to have a bit of polish -- to be pleasant, rather than merely theoretically functional. And that shows, not just in the use of the base system, but in application software

And the coup de grace:

seebs said:
What does the Mac do? Pretty much the same things the PC does, usually in about half the time and with under a quarter of the cussing. That's worth having.

And the guy is not a Mac Zealot [Tm.--Ed.]; he works in PC and Mac.

" Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it Once."

- Veldena
After a long thread on Mac versus PC--with contributions [Plagiarized.--Ed.] provided by threads HERE and on another site--"should I get a Mac or a PC laptop"--here is the originator's latest post:

Mentat said:
Hello, from a new Mac.

This thing rocks. The OS is superb, the computer is fast, and it has a keyboard button that looks like a castle (it says command under it).

