Search results

  1. Tigger

    Why is Java STILL bad in OSX?

    This is not true. The only thing native is the user interface. Everything else is still Java. Make a Control Click on one of your apps you have made and click view Contents. Somewhere inside are still the Java Classes (or a .jar file) Everything you have done in Java is still Java Bytecode...
  2. Tigger

    Internet Explorer 5.2 Out!

    The page rendering is client side, so you can't measure anything there with a PHP. Only thing youcan do with PHP is measure the time the server needs to process. Anyway, what takes the most time is downloading the page from the server, and what is most annoying are pages that have bad HTML...
  3. Tigger

    iDISK is hella fast in 10.1.5

    I don't know, just installed 10.1.5, and it may be a bit faster than before (It was unusable before, I had to wait minutes to get the look of a folder). But I really don't get real time. It still takes something like 10-20 secs to get the contents of a folder. And the thing that really pisses...
  4. Tigger

    startup background screen

    I don't like xaquintoshs avatar for only one reason: It blinks too much. If you put the blink rate down to, let's say every two seconds, it wouldn't be that disturbing. :)
  5. Tigger

    iTools Online Mailer

    Oh, thanks! I will try as soon as I am in School. If this works, I definitly can live with that. :)
  6. Tigger

    iTools Online Mailer

    Yesterday I happily read mails from my iTools account on a PC at school. Today, I try to login, and I get the message: "Sorry, this iTool is only available on Macintosh". Yeah, great. What is up with that? Sorry Apple, but I won't get my school to buy Macintoshs so that I can read my...
  7. Tigger

    new or old iMac Computer icon

    Do you mean the Toolbar Icon? If you want to change that, look at the following:
  8. Tigger

    OS X --> Windows LAN

    Oh, and another thing: If you have the Admin password for the Win PC, you can also use the Admin share (or whatever it is called in English... :confused: ). That means you can mount the whole harddrive of the PC on your Mac, even if it is not shared. That works like this: The same as...
  9. Tigger

    OS X --> Windows LAN

    <workgroup> means you put your workgroup in there. So if your workgroup is mars, computername is Deimos and sharename is Tharsis, it would be: smb://mars;Deimos/Tharsis The sharename is the name of a folder that is shared on your PC. You can see what folders are shared on your PC if...
  10. Tigger

    OS X --> Windows LAN

    The syntax is: smb://<workgroup>;<computername>/<sharename> IP-addresses are not relevant here.
  11. Tigger

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    In "Angel" (Buffy Spinoff) they have a graphite iBook. Strangly, they covered the Apple on top with a post it...
  12. Tigger

    What side of the screen is your dock?

    Hey, it is great to be able to use a tablet with the left hand and at the same time use the mouse. When I just use the tablet, I think it is really pain to go into menus ans all that stuff. And as a lefty, I can use the tablet for drawing, and when I have to click through some menus, I don't...
  13. Tigger

    Some Java Questions

    Check your spelling of your class and package names. Remember that java is case-sensitive, so that Color != color
  14. Tigger

    CRT OR TFT Display?

    CRTs have better color. You cannot do any repro work on TFTs, because they show different colors depending in what angle you look upon them. That's why I never quite knew why Apple went totally TFT. Macs are widly used in the print area, and they can't use these TFTs for color correction...
  15. Tigger

    WebDav Help

    YOu can put a Apache Server on the Win2K box and install WebDav there (Here are some infos for the install: There is now easier way to set up your WebDAV Server, at least none that I know of, sorry.
  16. Tigger

    Setting up and administrating the website using WebDav

    Type "tail -f /private/var/log/httpd/error_log" in the Then try to connect to your Server with Dreamweaver. When you will get some further information. Probably the server cannot write to the DavLockDB, a problem I had first too. You have to change permissions so that the user...
  17. Tigger

    You're Invited to SW AofC... actually not, but I was. :)

    Hm, I don't like the look of his hair, it may be perfect in animation respect, but it gives him some really strange look. Why can't he just look more like in Episode six? He is 900 years old then, I don't think, hm, 70? years would let him look so much younger/older. Okay, I don't know anything...
  18. Tigger

    You're Invited to SW AofC... actually not, but I was. :)

    I voted Blah just because. I don't like the look of Joda as a computer rendered thingy. The puppets in the old episodes were MUCH better. Same for Jabba.
  19. Tigger

    iPhoto upgrade

    I think Software update only covers Apps that are included in the OS install. That's why IE is one of those although it is not Apple, cause it is installed with the OS.