Search results

  1. W

    What is THE best 3d animation program?

    Going from my experience with everything from Pixels:3D to Maya, I have grown a new opinion of "Who's the best". I can not stress enough for someone who has not been modeling and rendering for years, that the application that's best, is only the one you first understand. Only after tons of...
  2. W

    mySQL GUI app

    In case it's missed from the post in the other forum... I just made a little app that has use for me and thought some other folks might find it in some way a use for them. mySQL tool for database managment. Displays the contents of tables...
  3. W

    Application Folder Lock Out!!

    Ahh.... I loged off and back on... that seems to have "refreshed" the change... Thanks so much for the push in the right direction there ;)
  4. W

    Application Folder Lock Out!!

    You may not believe me ... but I typed the following: sudo chmod g+w /Applications and tried draging a folder into the Applications folder and got the "Folder can not be modified message" still.... I then typed: sudo chmod o+w /Applications and still got "can not be modified"...
  5. W

    Application Folder Lock Out!!

    I have not been able to create a new folder or drag anything into my applications folder for some time. I have been trying to find out why, and the only thing I see, is a difference in "Permisions I think" between other folders... Here is what it shows when I type ls -l drwxr-xr-x 33 root...
  6. W

    Question on building an app using ProjectBuilder..

    I only know VB/RB coding and their respetive IDE's. Where would be a resource to decent resource that could help someone start building software using ProjectBuilder? It's not the language, syntax and soforth for me, I just wish projectBuilder had something like RB does... a help reference...
  7. W

    Found something out dealing with Q3A

    I was using ncftp and wget from the terminal..... but I'm looking into something else right now as well ;)
  8. W

    Found something out dealing with Q3A

    I am having all sorts of problems running Q3A in OS X, but I found something out about one of them! I'm sure it's not ran into all that often, but here is something to look into if you go to launch Q3A and it "Unexpectedly quit: no other applications were effected" ...... I caught an issue...
  9. W

    View file properties

    Whats the command line option to view a files owner/group and their permisions?
  10. W

    QuickTime Streaming Server ?

    I Sent an e-mail to asking about "VCast" which is listed under products but has no way to buy it in ther e-store nor list how to get it very well... I received a reply from someone that said they wanted to give me a call, so I have a feeling there going to ask if I'm willing...
  11. W

    QuickTime Streaming Server ?

    I was looking at the QTSS at, it seems it's for OSX Server only? is there not a version for plain o`l OS X?
  12. W

    QuickTime Streaming Server ?

    Would I be correct in thinking I could purchase an OrangeLink FireWire Web Cam and install QTSS and stream a quicktime stream via the web for just the cost of the camera? Anyone messed with that stuff and have tips or thoughts? I've never messed with web cams, and have absolutly no idea on...
  13. W

    Q3A 1.29f ... I would say it was me but...

    I would say it was me but, after first thinking to myself the other day while playing Quake 3... It seems to be getting worse with each update ... I tried a few things for the fun of it... and on four different computers... Q3A 1.17 ( OS 9 ) is by far the best performing and less buggy on my...
  14. W

    A very helpful utility thought!

    I wish I could but thought I would suggest an idea for a project to those that perhaps do know enough ;) Under OS 9 there was this utility called "Open Using" which acted as the "Send To" option from a right click on a file in windows.... I miss it very, very much .... I hope someone will...
  15. W

    Forum changing direction?

    Well Said .. ;)
  16. W

    Forum changing direction?

    I just wish more folks would direct their questions to better labled forums... I've found questions and answers for Apache and PHP issues all over kingdom-Come, yet there is only 6 or post in that particular forum ;)
  17. W

    PowerBook G4 and Mozzila Report...

    A short while back, out of the blue it seemed... my Powerbook G4 was running the fan longer and would never stop at times... going for hours. I thought it was due to the last update, because it never ran that long before the update.. well I have found my exact cause for my fan to come on and...
  18. W

    Mail Server features ?

    I would like to know if the Mail Server "Service" that comes with OS X Server has web based access?
  19. W

    Where's Tile, Where's just a colur ??

    I was poking away yesterday for quite some time in photoshop, making a seamless little image "Texture" that I wanted as my background... (My first attempt at using something other than a full size image) ... When I was done and went to Finder Preferences and selected it... Finder just placed...
  20. W

    OS X file sharing is worthless

    Ahh.. One important note... OS X server kinda makes it a lot easier to do the things your asking about. OS X itself is well... just missing the "Server" tools, OS X server is a similar build just has added tools and features that are designed to take the system it's on and turn it into a by...