Search results

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    mounting server on Leopard

    When in the Finder, go to the Finder -> Preferences... menu. You'll see a list of what you can display on the desktop.
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    System Freezing and Kernal Errors

    I've had a G4 that passed the Apple Hardware Test while having continuous kernel panics and trouble starting up. It turned out to be the logic board itself, a problem that Hardware Test was clearly unable to detect. My first guesses are always 1. Bad memory 2. Bad logic board 3. USB or other...
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    Did You Buy a Laptop Battery from OWC (

    I've bought a PowerBook battery from MacSales before, and it arrived looking and fitting exactly like the factory model. In the 6+ years I've been using them, their customer service has always been far above average; if you have any questions at all, you should just ask them.
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    System Freezing and Kernal Errors

    That could be a bunch of things. One of the easiest to test would be for bad memory. Rebooting with only one RAM chip installed at a time is a good first round of tests.
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    Need help with PHP script for IP address of sites

    Did you ever figure this out? The first question is this: How would you go about determining a dedicated vs. shared IP programmatically, using any language? In a shell, I would use dig with the +short=1 flag to get a terse answer. dig +short [response:] dig +short -x...
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    pictures on safari page show up as blue square???

    Next time you're in Safari and run into the missing image problem, right-click or control-click on the blue box and select "Open Image in New Tab" (or " New Window", whichever you prefer). If you get a server error, i.e., "404 File Not Found", then the problem lies with the image itself --...
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    login items

    First solution: here Second solution: I don't have Suitcase installed, so I'm guessing on this. But it's possible the login item is owned by root and not editable by whatever user you're logged in as. See if there's an item in the standard applications startup items folder, which is...
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    secure web page won't display

    Can you share a URL?
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    Unix Command to get IP Address ?

    Also, I think g/re/p's "cut" command works like this: ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v | cut -d " " -f2 Which is more efficient than my suggestion.
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    Unix Command to get IP Address ?

    To isolate just the assigned IP address on a machine, you could do something like this: ifconfig | grep "inet\b" | grep -v '127.0.' | sed 's/inet \([0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\) .*$/\1/' Although if you have more than one active IP address, e.g., if you have a...
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    Where does QuickTime cache files played in browser?

    In this instance, 1. Open Terminal. 2. Type "man find" This also seems to be helpful.
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    iTunes Plus

    A lot of the indie labels are just as suspicious/scared of file sharing and its effect on their revenue model as the big labels. I still develop sites for indie musicians who say, "How can I stream my music without allowing people to download it?" Mmmm, anybody with two brain cells to rub...
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    Where does QuickTime cache files played in browser?

    Have you tried loading any other remote file in QuickTime and checked in the cache directory? Just wondering whether you can duplicate this mysterious behavior, or whether it's something particular to that WMA file. One other approach, if you feel like getting brute-force on this problem: shut...
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    iTunes Plus
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    Disable 'ping' Return In Osx Firewall ?

    If you are actually sitting behind a router/modem, then that box is what's sitting between you and the open internet. It's the firewall configuration on the router/modem that will determine whether a ping to your advertised IP address gets returned. That's Mikuro's point. If you'd like to...
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    Where does QuickTime cache files played in browser?

    Safari caches in ~/Library/Caches/Safari, but QuickTime (whether loaded in Safari or as a standalone app) caches in ~/Library/Caches/QuickTime/downloads. You should find your 27 MB file as a single cache file (.qtch) in a subdirectory. Something like this should give you a full listing: %...
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    Mass emails??

    There seem to be some Google text ads pertaining to this very subject at the bottom of this page! This one, for instance. Magic Google....
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    Mass emails??

    Definitely don't send them yourself. It's worth doing some research on so-called "email blast" services that offer a suite of customer relationship management, or CRM, services. There are big-name services and small ones; it's worth doing some research on what you need, and what you can...
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    How do you copy the entire contents of a boot drive?

    I would cd /; tar cf /Volumes/Firewiredrive/backup.tar * -- a good, reliable method. That's what tar was written for, after all. To save space on your remote drive, you can do cd /; tar czf /Volumes/Firewiredrive/backup.tgz * You could also get something like SuperDuper.
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    How Do I...HTML <td> Styles ???

    The total separation of structure and presentation is the standard practice these days. That means, in the ideal version of an HTML page, the tags are devoid of any indication of how they are to be displayed; all of the display information is specified in the CSS. This means no CSS in your...