Search results

  1. B

    Leopard Upgrade Gone Bad w/ ext. drive

    oy. Alan, I'd recommend posting as well on Super Duper forum. The developer is very responsive. Can you boot to the external, Tiger drive? If so, do things look okay on that drive -- do the apps work? Are the photos intact? If so, you might clone the Tiger drive back to the internal one using...
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    Recovering a word doc

    Download the shareware FileSalvage, which can recover files gone missing. The demo version will tell you if it can find the file. If it can, send the $90 or so and buy it and actually get the file back. It helped me when I had a similar situation. Note however that the more you use your...
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    Startup Disk full error message, complicated

    First, no matter what option you choose, back up all your important data. Then try an archive and install. You'll get a new OS but your customizations should mostly remain in place. Note I migrated from windows to Tiger, so I don't even know if archive and install is an option for Panther...
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    Startup Disk full error message, complicated

    Hmm... locum is suspect: so is distnoted. Googling it led to someone asking if Google Desktop is installed. That software will need to build a large cache file. First time it does it can take a long time, and if interrupted it starts up again. Hard to troubleshoot...
  5. B

    Cannot share itunes library btw PC/Mac

    You can also just use iTunes library sharing option. Open iTunes on one computer that can see the library, select sharing and then use the other machine to play the music. Obviously more convenient over a wireless network. (Have to have iTunes open on the first machine while sharing)
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    Startup Disk full error message, complicated

    You're confusing memory or RAM with hard drive disk space. The first is a measure of how many things you can do at once, the latter how much stuff can you can save on your computer. You seem to be describing a situation of running out of hard drive space (not memory). When you choose...
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    Please help me

    Tell the kid you're sorry for the prank, it won't happen again but if he tries to infiltrate your computer, you'll report him to school authorities and the US Attorney's office. It's a federal crime to hack someone's network or computer and he's just admitted to you he's going to do that. Tell...
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    iPod 5.5gen only plays quiet with any headphones

    Have you tried a re-set. Switch the lock on and then off. Then hold down at the same time the middle button and either the control at noon on the dial or the control at 6 on the dial (I always forget which). This will re-boot the iPod. If that doesn't work, plug it in to your computer and on...
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    email client suggestions

    I use at home and Thunderbird (windows) at work, both IMAP. That bug you described doesn't happen for me on the windows platform. I'd recommend TB. You could also use Gmail and use it to poll your various accounts and send/receive under those account names/email addresses, and all...
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    iPod set to manually update... but still wants to sync?

    You can either manually manage (load and unload) music to your iPod or you can let iTunes do it automatically (sync). They're mutually exclusive. I think if you check one option, the other will automatically be un-checked. Don't try the sync option if you don't want to risk losing some of your...
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    Problems with Eye Strain

    I found out of the box my iMac was way too bright. It wasn't a refresh issue but a "burn your eyeballs out" issue. I use freeware Shades to adjust the brightness, which helps. As I work with visual design, a $90 screen calibrator (spyder2express) also helped get the colors/brightness to a...
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    PowerBook G4 not booting

    Yesterday I cloned Leopard from an external drive to my internal HD using SuperDuper and had the same experience you describe (actually I got the eternally spinning gear). Turns out SD doesn't yet support Leopard and all the permissions got screwed up. I'm wondering if that's your issue -...
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    Mails adress export tool

    There's a few apps. I use AddressBook2CSV Exporter which exports to a gmail friendly csv format. You can also google for a similar app that exports to an outlook friendly csv format. Sorry I don't have the download url's handy.
  14. B

    Lost the application icon in the Finder?

    But if you do want the applications icon back in the dock, navigate to the top level of your system -- hard drive or the name of your computer. Look for the Applications folder on the *right* not left side of your finder window. Drag the folder to the your dock, to the right of the dock separator.
  15. B

    Getting rid of illegal characters, easily?

    There's mac freeware called File List, which lets you re-name files en masse. It also supports substituting one or more characters for others. Though it could be tedious, if you know what illegal characters your file names use, you could search and replace them en masse -- one pass over your HD...
  16. B

    Suggestions for mirroring a MacBook Pro and a G5 to a firewire drive??

    I use Super Duper to clone my 500 GB iMac disk to a 500 GB My Book firewire disk. Actually, b/c I only have about 200 GB of data, I partition the My Book drive into two partitions and clone to one, leaving the other one free for whatever. I can then restore from the My Book cloned drive, or use...
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    Leopard Migration

    I don't have a magic bullet, but apparently you're not alone: See also:
  18. B

    Leopard Migration

    Try this: 1. Re-boot the Leopard machine. 2. Place the Tiger machine into FW disk mode. 3. Does Leopard see the Tiger HD as an external drive now? 4. If yes, then try migration assistant again. 5. If no, then the issue isn't MA but your Leopard OS not recognizing an external drive I've...
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    Use DotMac as a webhosting site?

    I used to develop websites full time. I recommend going with a company dedicated to web hosting, one with knowledgeable 24/7 tech support that's familiar with issues common to web publishing/hosting. The two I recommend: 1. -- windows primarily, some linux servers and yes...
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    Any way of retrieving files after deleting from trash?

    FileSalvage will do the trick for you. Costs around $80 but was worth it for me after I trashed hours of work by accident.