how to

  1. W

    How to cancel the F1, F2... ect keys function

    I got the game Halo for mac on my new powerbook. and the "F" (F1 F2 F3...) keys have functions such as sound and all of that. But in halo for example you press F1 for the score but when I do it just dims the screen. So I was wondering if there is a key to hold when you press F1 to cancel its...
  2. macjones

    [How To] Install a combo drive on a G3 ibook (tray loading)

    Hello, This is my first post so if my ediquote is off I apologize. I am trying to install a new combo drive on my ibook G3. Right now it is just CD-rom and I am upgrading it. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to install a combo drive on your own?
  3. W

    PB g4 hinge replacement how to

    Hi all -- My daughter's PBG4 has a broken hinge--what a surprise. Anyhoo, found one on eBay for a reasonable sum. Can anyone point me to a link for the step-by-step how to? Thanks.
  4. Z

    How to run my TI 400 with screen detached

    I have a broken hinge that has caused my screen to die. I have the screen detached (as per the guides posted on this forum) and now when I power on the powerbook I hear a very unfriendly noise in the speakers (not the apple chime) that just continues until I power off. My first guess is that I...
  5. M

    How to uninstall programs?

    Sorry if this isn't where I'm supposed to post this... I was just wondering how do you uninstall programs or applications, is the term I should use, because I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. K

    how to control fonts on in OS X?

    may seem stupid but... back in the day, using OS 9, I used suitcases to control my fonts and it worked for all graphics software. I also used Adobe Type Reunion so the type menus displayed the fonts in an orderly, alphabetical fashion. It worked. Using OS X now (for a while) along with...
  7. S

    How to have MS Excel to work with European input formats

    Can anybody help me on this. Right now all the numbers are in US format 1,000.00 for 1000 and in Europe it should be 1.000,00 My OS settings are set to Belgium (my home country). And all other applications show the numbers correctly. What can I do? Thx Dave p.s. My oppologies...
  8. windsor_richard

    HELP: How to install macosx onto brand new hard drive/ powerbook

    Good evening guys, I've just popped a new HD into my powerbook to replace the old one. Now it's in i have no idea how to install macosx onto it? Where do i start? I have hit power and its taken me to installer, i have gone to disk utility and created a partition on the new drive, gone to...
  9. C

    Audio .mov to .mp3 how to convert?

    hi! guys, i have some .mov (just audio, they r not movie files) that i want to play on iTunes, but the thing i dont like it is that when i put them on itunes, they show up with the .movie icon (like if they were music videos which it is annoying if i want to distinguish audio/video ), so i just...
  10. Lt Major Burns

    [HOW TO] Put your mac to sleep

    ...without going through menus or scripts. put simply: alt+apple+eject.
  11. Serene

    mac newbie, wants to know how to burn CDs/DVDs

    Hi there! I'm fairly new to the Mac. The first time I used one was for school. (I am studying digital graphics). I got my own iMac G5 about a couple months ago, 20-inch with superdrive, etc., and some added memory. I have some questions about burning. I've burned about a couple CDs from my...
  12. M

    Please help, Can someone tell me how to delete my hard drive?

    Can someone please tell me how to delete my hard drive, when I turn my laptop on it flashes the Startup icon, so I cant access my desktop. Please help.
  13. S

    How to disable standby mode in MAC

    Hi, I want to know how to disable the standby mode in a Mac Computer (any version). any help would be most appreciated. Rgds, Sifar
  14. C

    How to Change a Radio Station In Itunes By Remote Control?

    Can I use a remote control (Mac Mini) with the latest OSX and change the radio station in iTunes or any other radio tuner?
  15. T

    how to show invisible files in Tiger

    I installed Linux on my 1st gen ipod and the iPod is very unstable now. So I'll need to restore the iPod and delete everything on it. However I want to be able to get my mp3's off the iPod first. I've been sucusseful in copying the mp3's to hd from the iPod. but all the directories and...
  16. chemistry_geek

    How to burn movies onto DVD?

    I found a site on the internet that offers downloads of movies that are now in the public domain. Below is the link for the site: I have a few of these movies, "Night of the Living Dead," "Carnival of Souls," etc... in MPEG2 format (2 to 4 GB)...
  17. J

    how to install PHPEclipse on mac os x

    Hi all is there any guide that explains how to set up phpeclipse for mac os x. how can I make it run in localhost/~jsn Do I have to point eclipse workdirectory to /users/jsn/sites, when I open eclipse? By default it tries to open in intlo "localhost/elcipse/php". how can I change...
  18. M

    How to assign an AD user admin rights on a 10.4.2 client?

    Can somebody please tell me how to assign admin rights on a 10.4.2 client machine to an Active Directory user? Our AD is Windows hosted on our corporate network. I can log in on the client, using my AD authenticated account. I do have a local Admin account on the machine too of course...
  19. Captain Code

    Finder always forgets how to connect to networked Macs

    This has been happening for a while and not just on one computer. I have 4 Macs on a network and they will usually show up in the Network "folder", but a lot of times when I try to connect to it, the Finder will say "Connection failed. The computer may not exist or may not be operational at...
  20. wicky

    How to make a movie from my display???

    I need to provide a training video, to demonstrate a content management system that we have built. The easiest way would be to show a movie of it in action. Can anybody tell me how I go about saving a quicktime movie (or similar), of what I am doing on the screen (similar to a screen grab...