how to

  1. L

    Accidentally deleted my keychain -- how to rebuild?

    Hi there... I accidentally deleted my primary keychain and ever since have had problems with password prompts for all sorts of programs. Even if I type in the correct password, it will tell me that its incorrect. I tried to rebuild my keychain, but have certainly done something wrong...
  2. P

    How to Connect Xbox

    i want to share my internet connection with an xbox. it is wireless airport xtreme card connecing my tiger installed eMac to a d-link dsl-604+ home network router/modem... my connection is stong, can't seem to share the connection with xbox though. can you help? :)
  3. N

    how to add startup items?

    Hi, I'd like to add the Gmail Notifier to start when os x boots, how can i do that? and also for the future anyother apps thanks
  4. G

    How to sort it right with du -h | sort ????

    Hi all. i wanna sort a directory after Gb/Mb/kb. When doing a du -d1 -h it show upp by Gb and Mbs. Then i wanna sort it by size, Gb then Mb. I cant make sort to sort it right, anyone knows how? My line right now is: du -d1 -h | sort -n But it sorts by number and not size. Maybe i...
  5. S

    Printer Cleaning Utilities: How to Access?

    Greetings all, I am using Gimp Print with Tiger on my eMac; my printer is an Epson C42UX. I have been having some "banding" problems with printing graphics, and discovered that there doesn't appear to be a utility menu for head cleaning, alignment, and so forth, to attempt to fix any problem...
  6. M

    How to batch convert to .rtfd

    Hi all, -- I have some text files with included pictures. The data lives in the resource fork. Those files (older SimpleText files) open fine in TexEdit. I can save them to .rtfd. Is there a script or utility that allows me to batch convert mulitple files at once? Because I want to import...
  7. M

    How to read .rtfd documents on OS9

    Hi all, -- .rtfd packages are folders on OS9. Does anybody know of a utility that could convert those .rtfd folders into readable files that can be read on OS9 ? I'm looking for a conversion tool that would run on OS9. Thanks in advance, Martin.
  8. D

    HOW TO edit exp like 1E-4 into bash?

    Hi! I like to edit this guy 0.000000000000000001 into bash. It is quite annoying. So do anybody know, how I can edit this stuff into bash/shell as 1E-33 or something like this formate? I do not have any experience with programming. Just want do edit numbers like 1E-155 into shell without...
  9. D

    How to Replace HD in G4 Power Book 1.5GHZ

    Hi All, New here to the forum so my apologies if this has been covered. My HD in my Power Book makes a pretty loud buzzing noise when its tilted in any direction. This tells me its going to die sooner or later. I found a killer 7200 RPM 100 GB driver here...
  10. P

    How to convert Cfsocketref into Int

    Dear Sir/Madam, please suggest how to convert CFSocketRef to Int in carbon? How to send a file in chunk of bytes from server to client using CFSocket? If yes then please send me the source code?
  11. B

    How to disassemble Fantom Drive HD enclosure?

    I got a 120gb Fantom Drive firewire harddrive about 2 years ago, and the case has started to rattle badly. I bought a new enclosure but I've run into a little snag...There are no visible screws to disassemble this thing. Is there a way to take it apart without breaking it? This is what it...
  12. S

    How to Use Remote Access Thro Airport Express

    I am trying to access my iBook in a remote location, which is connected to a airport express. I can access it locally ie. when I am in the same office on that network. But as soon as I am home and want to connect...... nada, zero, no way. can anyone help! With expert network configurations? Thanks
  13. P

    How to Burn Multiple Disc Svcds In Toast?

    I'm a longtime Mac user, but just got a powerbook and am getting into DVD burning. I've run into problems trying to burn an SCVD movie through Toast. The file I downloaded contained a disc image and an uncompressed bin file that contains the movie. When I load the disc image in Toast, it...
  14. J

    How to Remove Email Sign-in From Msn 5.0 For Mac

    I'm using msn 5.0 for Mac. I have a bunch of friends sign-in in my computer. I couldn't find any option/function to delete or remove e-mail sign-in. It is different from PC. Please help me to find out. Thank you so much.
  15. A

    How to disable or at least change the spotlight hot keys?

    I use the key commands in illustrator / photoshop all the time and when i do the "option / apple / spacebar" or "apple / spacebar" commands to zoom out, the spotlight window(s) open. I've tried opening / changing the key commands numerous times, as well as disabling them with no luck (they...
  16. D

    G4/G5 How to move 2nd hard drive to different bus ??

    I purchased SoftRAID to create a mirror of my system drive on a G4 and G5 desktop machine. SoftRAID says that the 2nd drive that will mirror the first drive should be on a different bus for optimal performance. When I look inside the G4 and G5 it's not apparent as to how I would do this...
  17. T

    how to reinstall mac os x

    hey, how to reinstall mac os x if i was forgot admin password ?? can anyone guide me alittle? thanks!
  18. windsor_richard

    How to: watch tv on my powerbook??

    I'm looking to plug my powerbook into a standard uk tv wall plug. Do i have any options? Is it even possible? What is the cost? Thanks in advance for your time guys! Richard
  19. E

    How to reinstall Disc Burner or download from Apple

    I use Mac OS X 10.3.4 on my G4 Quicksilver 867. Disc Burner is either corrupted, or has otherwise disappeared. Therefore, I am unable to record data on a CD-R or other disc. How do I reinstall Disc Burner from the Install CD. I have tried to figure out how to do this, with no luck. How...
  20. C

    How to uninstall final cut pro HD, illustrator

    Those two programs use more than 20GB, can someone help me erase that memory by uninstalling them?