how to

  1. J

    How to Have Apple Script For Scrolling

    In Microsoft word, it is often neck straining to write as the words just keep appearing lower and lower unless you manual scroll. Please help me by providing a script that can auto scroll as I type that the "active"sentence stays around the top 1/3 of the screen. much appreciate your help.
  2. F

    How to uninstall ClamAV?

    I made the terrible mistake of installing ClamAV on my Mac a few weeks ago and whenever it runs it literally kills my machine (even 5 hours after I scheduled it to run cause it's still running). I tried uninstalling and just dragged the app's icon to the trash but the process 'clamscan' still...
  3. P

    how to remove Classic?

    Hi! I have an ibook G3 366Mhz. I was running OS 9.2 and OS 10.1. Today, I installed Mac OS 10.3. I was expecting the installer to format the disk and perform a total installation. However, it just updated the OS X and it stopped during CD 2 without asking for CD3! The problem now is: how...
  4. C

    How to determine total received bytes?

    Id like a way to monitor the amount of traffic my machine recieves. IE: script runs ever 5 mins and tells me the amount received and event sent since time X. Im versed enough in shell adn perl to write it, but not sure where to get the data. It can be crude as long as it is accurate. Any...
  5. J

    How to use .Mac to host my webpage ???

    I would like to use my .Mac account to host a few html web pages that I have built using a program called webpics. There is very little directions from .mac on how to store a webpage that you have created outside of their basic templates. I followed the directions and put the folder...
  6. T

    HOW TO help - setup a public folder

    Hi, - I would like to know if it's possible to redefine a new public folder and how. - Also, how do I define a volume to be shared other than in my public folder? Thanks for any advice. TD
  7. C

    Cascading Windows - How to Stop?

    In Microsoft Word, Finder, Safari and probably others OSX likes to cascade windows. Can I stop this? I want every window to open as large as possible.
  8. K

    How to change key mapping as to use accents keys for typing accents?

    I am using a standard apple keyboard and I would like to change some key mapping setting so that I can use the windows style of typing characters with accents. For example, to get é, now I need to type 'OPTION+e" and then "e", but I prefer typing "'e". The same holds for other accents like...
  9. E

    How to do a clean install...

    Hey everyone, Over the year that I have owned my iMac G5, I've been sloppy about where everything is supposed to go. I've done a lot of transitions in that year, so now I would like to do a clean install of 10.4. However, I am not sure where to begin. I have backed up everything I need to...
  10. P

    Password not accepted - how to boot?

    Just finished the installation of my new Mac OS X Server. Everything went smoothly untill first reboot. I can't login with the right password - and I am sure the password is right. What on earth is going on? How can I boot to reinstall? Edit: Need to add that I am a total nOOb to Mac OS X...
  11. G

    How to Repair a Damaged Java 1.4.2 Installation On Tiger

    I have damaged the java 1.4.2 installlation of Tiger by removing a directory in the System.../Versions directory. Specifically the A subdirectory. Is there a way to repair this?
  12. S

    How to setup OSX on external drive?

    My internal harddrive is full, so I tried to load Tiger and iLife 05 onto the extermal drive. Everything seemed to work fine, except it wouldn't boot to the external harddrive directly. The first time I turned Mac on, it booted to internal drive (Panther OS) despite the fact I set the boot...
  13. RGrphc2

    How To add new Dock Minimize Effect

    I was reading on CNet that there is a 3rd Dock Minimize Animation hidden in Panther and in Tiger. To enable the "suck" effect open terminal and type in : defaults write mineffect suck log out and log back in and you will have the Suck effect instead of Genie or Scale...
  14. J

    iTunes library on Windows/SMB server - How to keep setting?

    Hi, I have successfully set my iTunes to keep the music files on a Windows XP server. There is a library file on my local harddisk (in Users/Me/Music/iTunes), which is fine, the music itself is stored on the server. However, everytime my Mac wakes up from sleep (or is rebooted), the...
  15. C

    How to View Cache Files in Safari??

    I'm trying to look at some of the files stored in my Safari cache, and Safari apparently can't open them. Is there any way to view these files?
  16. windsor_richard

    How to: Format MMC Card??

    Afternoon all, Just a quicky. I have a mmc card that i'm using in my Nokia 6230i. I want to format it and completely clear the memory so i have 256mb again. How do i do this with in plugged into my mac? Thanks in advance. Richard
  17. R

    How to get 10.3 Server to serve up 10 email acconts?

    I've been trying to figure this out from reading things on the web, but so far no luck in finiding a simple guide.. I'm at a 10 person office with localized email. We're using POP accounts on each machine, so backing up is ok via retrospect, but not elegant. Our Xserve (10.3.9) runs lightly...
  18. A

    How to get a static ip from linksys router

    Anyone know how to get a static ip address from a linksys router? For example I want my computer to always get and another one to always get 101 etc. There seemed to be an option for this in my old D-link router but can't find it on the linksys. Basically assign a mac address to...
  19. K

    How to import Animated Gif in Photoshop

    I created an animated gif in Image Ready. How do I save it to then place it as a layer in a Photoshop document?
  20. F

    How to turn on Bluetooth using automator

    Hi there, I was wondering if there's a way to turn on Bluetooth transmission / reception using Automator. I'm trying to write a script to sync my PDA with my iBook, but I need to turn on Bluetooth first... And no, I don't like to leave it turned on, because it drains the battery more quickly...