geeks vs. computer users

Yeah... Windows users are bad icky people to date... :p

I've only dated a Mac user once... she was awesome!
Ahh... memories... :)
Originally posted by Giaguara
here there aren't enough mac users.. :(

Here either... notice i only mentioned 1? :p
And the ones that are around - are guys...
:confused: What's up with that?

Well... there is an ex-teacher, but she don't count (married too! dangit!)! ;)
well i prefer guys :p

i once met one to whom i said something far too geeky... "has anyone told you that ... in that light your eyes look like apple logo?" ... luckily he was a mac user ;)
Well at least he was able to relate...

I have far too many points against me that it's rare any girl can relate to me. So I end up catching myself and comprimising... :p
and Smiling instead! :D
That's good...

The smartest people to me are the ones who know when to simply keep their mouth shut and smile.

Me? Well, at this point it is doubtful if I'll ever learn that lesson...

Luckily the boss cuts me a fair amount of slack...
Heh, i still to want to emigrate to US and work there somewhat related to computers... the alpha release ... now THIS is a geek try or a geek way to relate!!! :p


[yes. the classic. doing that for the passport..]
Originally posted by Giaguara
Heh, i still to want to emigrate to US and work there somewhat related to computers... the alpha release ... now THIS is a geek try or a geek way to relate!!! :p


[yes. the classic. doing that for the passport..]

Most AMERICANS can't find jobs working with computers! :( I hear it's getting better, though.
okay okay.. i could switch back to architecture part time for a while if in that is easier to find a work.. :? b ut i enjoy mych more computers than working with people or buildings...

just that here architecture is dead = no jobs.
and neither with computers if you happen to be of the wrong sex .. at least in US the highest level a female can get is _NOT_ being part of office decoration!!! :p
Actually the number, or lack there of, of jobs is completely based on experience, and what you want to do. If you're a web designer, hell, web anything, you're really SOL right now. If you're an MCSE you're really SOL right now. If you do tech support, you're really SOL right now. There are however alot of jobs (depends on city too) for application programmers, network admins, DBA's, and other specialty fields. Also there is a growing demand for multiskilled IT workers, folks who know unix, nt, networks, programming, the whole 9 yards.

The internet boom created a glut of web and nt folks, alot of it fueled by "getting rich quick in computers" along with "schools" popping up all over the country training you in NT or web stuff in just 3 months, which basically made having an MCSE worthless as anyone with 3 months to spend going to class could pass the test, but not really even know how to log into a system.

The key to getting a job right now is just like every other field now, experience, experience, experience.

Then maybe I'm thinking more of NYC right now. Not a good scene. But either way, good thing I do Unix admin.
i do have a MSc in engineering but not about computers if it could bring something more.. and so far i guess i would not mind to switch again what i do or start in another field... hey, how does someone become a unix admin??? that sounds sexxxy... :p
I found this test :

It is supposed to tell if someone is a computer or a person. A person can tell the right answer to what is on the pictures, a computer not.

I FAILED!!! :p

ithus i am a computer!!

Result of the Test: FAIL
You entered the following word:

The possible words were:
seashell shell shells seashells

I saw turtles that were swimming???

:p = i feel more geeky now.. well even more geeky
That test sucks. :) Apparently I'm a computer as well. There were a bunch of mouths there, so I said so. It said they were lips.
heheh :p haznat i think a geek takes that failure as a compliment, a computer user doesn't :p
sorry, i passed several times. but the test is also screwed up somehow. i entered pigs for one of them and it tried to tell me they were submarines :p
and ken - the lips one was BS. either answer should have been accepted. obviously this test was made by a geek :D
no it can't have been made by a geek >:0
with all those stock images..

if it was made by a geek, most of us would have passed!!! i posted this also womewhere else to see if the .. well.. well.. if my friends are computers or humans :D they are all computers!!
losers (like me) ;)
