Herve's Bar & Grill


Set everyone up with a round - in celebration of my new macbook pro. Well technically it belongs to the job, but hey - it is portable :)
That said, most Brits still stick to mass produced insipid tasteless lager, which I find hard to understand.

I guess it's just us special people (n either side of the pond) that appreciate the finer beers instead.

Satcomer slaps himself for being so snobby about this.

On side note: Did anyone get to a really good Octoberfest yet?
Well Giaguara when I was leaving a friend's Halloween party his wife's black cat reminded me of your icon by the way the cat was sitting on top of their old CRT TV. It swear it was in almost that same stance as your icon picture.

At least we bobbed for apple's (the real one a person eats) in out drunken state. I then the next morning while leaving saw this cat perk up when I was walking out (hungover like a champ) the next morning. Plus we did have some hard cider too!
Well, our black kitties were safely indoors (as always - not a place to keep the cats outdoors in the city, and especially when one of them is blind it would be even less safe for him) while we went to do a bit of walking and pub-crawling donwtown.
The 6th Street was quite full of people and there were a bunch of awesome costumes there. I guess I should just get the pics from the camera and upload them to flickr - but kind of waiting anxiously for FedEx today to get my new Mac Mini Server so I might do the uploads from that. :)
The Server is goood :) and fortunately some time to properly play around with it around the holidays.

This winter it seems way warmer here than last year... after a few days of 50s or 60s (13-20 c) now it's 82F out so I should probably do the browsing outdoors.
Not cold enough now for some fancy German xmas drinks but need some of those anyway - gluhwein of course, and a tradition I picked in Ireland from the German housemates: Feuerzangenbowle. Ah so yummy.
From the BBC:

When you visit Germany in the cold months you might come across a drink called Feuerzangenbowle - sometimes referred to as Crambambuli.


Some weeks before the Feuerzangenbowle is to be served, buy:

4 Oranges
1 Lemon (friends of a healthy lifestyle might want to add raisins and two apples)
1 bottle of rum (54%)

Peel all the fruit, separate the flesh and place the segments in a bowl. Add rum to cover the fruit, put a lid on the bowl, and let it sit until the day of the Feuerzangenbowle. If a weaker effect is desired, skip the bit about soaking the fruit.

For the Bowle itself you will need:

4-5 bottles of red wine (to avoid a storming hangover, it may pay not to buy the cheapest red available)
1 bottle of rum (54%)
4 cloves
1 stick of cinnamon
1 cone of sugar1


Pour the wine into a big pot and add the cinnamon and the cloves.

Add the rum-soaked fruit, saving the rum3.

Heat the mixture to a temperature at which it starts steaming.

Place the Feuerzange over the pot and place the cone on it horizontally, not upright. Now use a large scoop to douse the cone with rum.

When the cone is nicely soaked, dim the light and ignite the sugar. You will be treated to a nice display of blue flames and of bits of molten, burning sugar dripping into the wine.

Continue to pour rum onto the cone until it's fully molten and has disappeared into the wine.

Remove the Feuerzange once all the flames have died down and serve the Feuerzangenbowle in mugs.

The mixture of hot wine, rum and sugar ensures an immediate feeling of warmth and relaxation for the consumer. This makes it the perfect drink for a cold winter night. Sometimes you will find Feuerzangenbowle being offered at Christmas markets. Don't try it, stick to the Glühwein ('mulled wine') instead.

A Word of Caution

Be prepared for igniting the cone of sugar. Flames might reach a height of 50cm so make sure the space above the pot is free. Most importantly use a metal scoop and never, ever pour the rum straight from the bottle. Also, be aware of the fact that the Feuerzange itself will be a little warmer than room temperature, so do not remove it with your bare hands.
My housemates always skipped the part of soaking (or adding) the fruit.
But you can also add some vanilla sugar, some orange flavor, or even use the gluhwein/mulled wine spice mixes with the wine.

In US a friend found a place where they do sell the sugarcone holders but surprise surprise they are out of them. Amazon.de (how fun trying to order with less than elementary German) doesn't want to ship the sugarcone holders 'abroad'. But anything that's metal and allows the sugar to drip/melt/does not get damaged in fire should do in emergency. This year we'll use a metal cooling rack for cakes for that.
And sugarcones seem easier to find - I've seen them in plenty of groceries (HEB, Randall's etc) next to the Mexican spices.
Gee, an empty bar?
Let's try to do something to revive it...
As it's still a bar, how about some bar talk? I found a few weeks ago the perfect pirate rum. Tortuga rums. They make those in the Caymans.
Now the only problem I have (not a problem yet as got a bunch of rum still left) is where to find more in this state. It's just the perfect drink with some tropical juice - no matter which of the rums you use. I usually skip the dark rums as I'm afraid they might give a headache after, but I haven't so far got any with Tortuga.
I'm an absinthe man myself. So I'm pouring me some Jade PF 1901 right now. 4cl of absinthe, about 10 to 15cl of water... How wonderful a Sunday can end. :)
How to destroy the earth? Quit distroying the universe, rather...

How's the weather been around where y'all live?

Here it's been horrible for the past week. Monday it was nice until the evening, fine for a walk in a t-shirt... then freezing and below for days. Stupid weather killed my papayas, oranges and lemons, it seems. Grr.
And Friday morning a less than a nice wakeup by a jet engine loud fire alarm. The sprinkler system froze and as those water pipes burst, the whole house had alarms on like 6 AM. And as they had over 200 alarms for the same reason in the city, it took them a while to shut it up.
Add to that frozen highways, so lots of places were closed on Friday. Perfect few days of hiding behind books and hot chocolate.
The DD? What's that? I guess not as I don't even know what it's sort for.

Well, at least the weather is back to more normal. 70s during the day, 55-60 at night, so time to get some plant seedlings started for this summer. :)