Mac OS X 10.1 (5G64) GM- HOOAHHH!

Guys either you use it or not.. a software must be payed or not used... i understand the dload to ..try before you i did with Illustrator 10...and i am gonna buy it .. 1st cause i need it 2nd cause it is awesome
The... i don t use it or i use fro personal use .. is not an excuse for not paying a software and it won't make it legal..!!!!!

zerorex -

Keep this in mind -

You say you use MS Office but refuse to pay for it because it's a Microsoft product...

If everyone treated software like you, we'd have NO Office for the Mac and the platform would suffer greatly.

It's childish and short sighted (not to mention Illegal) to use an MS product, but refuse to pay for it. If you were really serious in your rebellion against MS, you wouldn't use their products at all. Microsoft's Mac products are made by the Mac Business Unit, which is an entirely different company that has MS ties and produces MS themed products. But they are every bit the Mac lover that you are and then some. Don't believe me? Read this.

Personally, I download warez and give it a run through myself. But, if I use it (whether I make money from using it or not), I PAY FOR IT. If I don't, I delete it off of my hard drive. Eventually, the paying customers of Adobe, Macromedia, Microsoft, etc. are going to grow tired of the non paying customers of said companies using the same products we pay for for free, and at that point, don't be surprised if someone is ratting you out to the SPA.
I downloaded the OS X version of Office, and was so impressed by it (even at the early beta stage), that I went out and bought the Word/Entourage combo now, just so I could upgrade to Office v. X when it becomes available. $135 for Word/Entourage, plus $149 for Office v. X upgrade = Total Office for OS X for under $300. Pretty damn good deal.

Come on people. Put your money where your mouth is and pay for the great software you use.
I consider myself one lucky b@$t@rd because I work for an accademic institution so I can get what I want at a discount ;) Or if my uni mass orders I can put an order in and get a cheaper price, or just take advantage of the site license hehehe ;)

Originally posted by kilowatt
What kernel is in your version of 10.1?

umane -r

will output the kernel.

10.0.4 has 1.3.7

I realize this is probably a typo, but it's actually:

"uname" not "umane" for those new to CLI
In reply to those who have posted their opinon on my softwarez pholosophy, I can completely see your point of view, and it would be nice to be able to afford every peace of software I will ever use.

And im not going to get into an argument about "If you cant aford to pay for it, dont get it", because we have a fundimental difference in our openions. I think that the intended use of the software should be included in the argument, and it is ovious some of you dont. I think you have very valid points and on many levels are right. At the same time, I think much of what I feel has some validity also.

So how about we agree to disagree, and concentrate on Mac OS X which I do own a licens for and which I think we all can agree is one hell of an os.

If we cant agree on that point, I would like to request the admin close this thread as to avoid any flame wars and wasted space in the forums.

This is the last I have to post on this issue..
IF the GM is 5G68, don't worry. It will install just fine over 5G64 and you won't have any problems. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that they churned out a few more builds since G64, mostly due to these bugs I've found....

Writing to a PC Zip Disk bug. OS X creates files (invislble to OS X) that you can see when you bring the disk back over to a PC. Basically it generates a 1 or 2K file with a ._####filename. OS 9 never did this, and neither did 10.0.4.

The F12 key, for some reason, now opens/closes the CD-tray. Very annoying when you have a program (like Lightwave, Dreamweaver, etc) that uses the F12 key extensively.

And lastly, in the "Connect To Server" dialog box, the hard drive proxy icon's mask is messed up.

Hopefully if 5G68 is the GM, these items from 5G64 will be addressed.
Just tried that F12 bug!!??!

Anyway, other bugs since I installed 5G64 a couple of days ago:

Multi-mutli-multi-coloured System type/text in all Save Dialogue windows (60's are back!!)

Several startup problems with Adobe software (Photoshop 6 etc.):rolleyes:
The problem with the multi colored type is due to a change in the carbon libraries. You'll see developers release fixes for their software to cope with this. Apparently, I've heard that it affects mostly programs that are created with RealBasic. Which apps are you using that are affected by this?
I tried the F12 Cd eject thing and whoa!. First my external Yamaha firewire cdrw ejected, so i pushed F12 again to close it. So it closed as then the internal DVD ejected, so i pushed F12 again to close the DVD, and it closed as the cdrw opened again. Ive been trying to get this to stop for hours but no matter what, when one closes the other opens!. How do i stop this? I have work to do but cant get them both to close!!!!
(no, closing them by hand is not an option)
(yes I am kidding)
Originally posted by zerorex
Of course if 9.x and 10.0.x are on the same drive, you are screwed :)

And why would that be? I just installed 10.1 on my iBook over 10.0.4 and 9.2.1 on the same drive, same partition. Why would Apple make an install CD that required users to have two drives/partitions? Basically... what the heck are you talking about?!?!?? ;) :confused:
The optimal situation, actually the configuration which Apple suggests, is that you install OSX on one partition and your classic OS on another. Can be the same disk but must be partitioned. If you have OSX and classic OS both installed on one partition of the same disk then you are likely to have trouble when trying to update to 10.1, whereas if you had 1 disk with two partitions you would be smooth sailing for sure. You could still be but, you won't know till you try it. Unless someone who has done it posts their results.
I thought this was the de facto thing to do, OSX on one partion, and OS9 on the other.

Why would you want to potentially cram 2 essentially different OS's on 1 partition (especially when most machines have drives of 10gb and up)!!:confused:
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
IF the GM is 5G68, don't worry. It will install just fine over 5G64 and you won't have any problems. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that they churned out a few more builds since G64, mostly due to these bugs I've found....

Well it would certainly surprise me. They would have to cancel the order to the duplication house, re-schedule another x weeks for QA etc. etc.

It woudn't matter of some over-zealous engineer found and fixed the biggest bug in the world (unlikely since after spending weeks working 20 hour days they have probably all been given a vacation), once development is frozen, its frozen. Any new bug fixes will come out via Software Update.
Originally posted by uoba
I thought this was the de facto thing to do, OSX on one partion, and OS9 on the other.

Why would you want to potentially cram 2 essentially different OS's on 1 partition (especially when most machines have drives of 10gb and up)!!:confused:

Don't new machines from Apple come with OS X installed on the same partition as OS 9? Also, I recall reading, on I believe, that in response to one users tech support request, Apple recommended installing both X and 9 on the same partition, although MacFixit concluded that this was just a bunch of hot air from a technition who really had no idea.
Yes, Apple does now recommend that 9 / X be on the same partition. That's how all their computers now come from the factory. That's how the Software Restore disks install everything.

I used to have X / 9 on sep. partitions until I got my new QuickSilver. After I saw the slight speed gains by having them on the same partition, I adjusted the rest of my Mac fleet to do the same.