Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

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Originally posted by Aftershock
Using v67 now. Feels much more stable than 64. Tabs and autofill are now in the preferences. Hope Safari 1.0 rolls out soon.
Can you give some indication as to where you found it? I've been noodling around in Acquisition and have yet to turn anything up...
Don't have Carracho and I can't say I've ever wanted to -- it's too much work just for an occassional file. So, um, I guess it's good that it "isn't" there. It's too bad it hasn't made it on to any web sites yet...
i heard a rumour from an old guy on a street corner that v67 was to be seen hanging around in acquisition territory, hope his info helps.
SGX just reminding all new and old members here that you can talk about the unreleased software here but - just don't give links to where to get it. I said something about the v65 and v66 for example - but would remove all links to getting such software from the board. ;)
This new version certainly does feel more stable, don't know why though.. Also, finally, my biggest problem was that I couldn't open links that were posted on a forum in a new tab. Fixed! This version is twice as cool as 64! Good work Apple!

-edit: the tabs definately open up a bit snappier now, greatness.:D
Originally posted by RPS
This new version certainly does feel more stable, don't know why though..
Because they specifically tweaked it to make it feel more stable so they could confuse you.

What other features does v67 have (besides autofill & tabs)?
it IS page 16 if you haven't set your pages to show more threads. ;)

v67's tab handling is buggy at best. was better in v64. :/
Yeah...Im just gonna stick with v60 until Apple posts and supports a new update. How the junk are you guys getting up to v67!!? I mean, we're not even at v62! not saying it isnt possible to, Im just saying I don't know how to (and am interested in finding out):p
Some get it from apple to check for bugs, other gets it from *** (where some of the people who got it from apple happened to share it).
Ooops, sorry... didnt think it would be against the rules to name the technology. i mean, its practically like saying "other gets it from the internet..." :)
Wont happen again, though.
Strange... until i became a "mac user", i never spent so much time checking up development on Apps, as i do these days! Crazy!! ... Back in the windows world, the only time i'd do the same, was with OS updates! I remember loads of BETA's and such for "Me, 2000, XP...", but never really Apps! Its cool tho, i like it! :)

I am *JUST* getting v67 too! :D

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