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  1. C

    How to Change a Radio Station In Itunes By Remote Control?

    Can I use a remote control (Mac Mini) with the latest OSX and change the radio station in iTunes or any other radio tuner?
  2. C

    Mac Mini Experts? Combo Drive Adapter to Ide Plug?

    The combo drive has some bizarre plug that attaches itself to the standup ide board in the Mac Mini. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is an adapter that converts the signal from the bizarre plug on the standup ide board in the Mini to a standard IDE plug so I can use a normal, cheaper...
  3. C

    Mouse Gestures In Osx?

    I notice that when I move my mouse pointer to the upper left hand corner of the screen, everything takes on a blue tint. It looks like the Dashboard is trying to do something but there is no Calculator or calender displayed. Also since this has been happening, F12 doesn't display the...
  4. C

    Hum Problem In Mac Mini - Ide Cable Acting As An Antenna?

    I have a Mac Mini running with a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter so I can run a normal IDE hard drive. The IDE cable seems to be picking up hum. Its not 60 hz. Its quite a bit higher pitched. I'm not using the top - I was concerned about shielding so I popped it back on but not so the plastic clips...
  5. C

    All Browsers Are Crashing

    Opera, Safari and IE (all newest editions) are crashing on my OS X Mac Mini. They work for a few seconds, sometimes longer (like now) then suddenly quit.
  6. C

    Migrating Settings From Another Computer

    My old computer was running the latest OS X (10.4.2). The new one is Mini which has 10.3 installed. Are there specific files the Mini has to have that I have on the disks it came with (which I have)? After I get this sorted out I need to move the OS up to the latest version (do I use the...
  7. C

    Finder Preview Window For Pictures - How to Enlarge?

    When I'm previewing a movie in the preview column in the Finder, I can drag the column to make it wider thereby enlarging the movie frame. But I can't seem to do this when viewing a picture. Its just too small. If I could make it a little bigger I could better judge it quickly to ensure...
  8. C

    Screen Goes Gets Blue Tint - Shakes a Bit???

    Sometimes when I'm moving my mouse the whole screen will have a blue tint - then when I click on something (maybe to change focus) its gone. Any idea? Also my F12 function of bring up the calender, calculator, etc doesn't work anymore.
  9. C

    Unison (newsreader) Question

    In OSX 10.4.2 I'm using Unison 1.6.2. It doesn't seem to be able to filter out crossposted messages. I keep on seeing the same messages that have been posted to multiple groups. Is there a setting that I should have acitivated? I have View Read Messages turned off so once a message has been...
  10. C

    Microsoft Word (osx 10.4.2) Adding Thumbnails.

    So I type in "insert thumbnail" - nothing. "Add thumbnail" - nothing. Microsloth Word Help has got to be the most useless piece of teeming heaving steaming pile of puke ever put in a computer. Now - feeling lighter now......:) Is there a logical, straight forward way of inserting a...
  11. C

    G4 Tower Ide Cable Question

    "Could you please tell us which pin is the nc (no connect) '... of the short Primary (?) IDE cable ...' of your '... G4 tower'? Note: the red lead is pin 1." Since I have to shut the machine down to answer that question, please see if everything else seems ok below. "Can you explain what...
  12. C

    G4 Tower Ide Cable Question

    There seems to be a notch (about a 1/4" long) taken out of the short Primary IDE cable in my dual 500 mhz G4 tower. I tried using another ordinary PC IDE cable but the Primary Slave drive wasn't detected. Can I just notch out the same wire in a PC cable to replicate this? It sure would be...
  13. C

    Toast Is Messing Up Osx 10.4.2

    The system keeps on freezing with Toast - latest version of Toast. Is this common? I can't even open my optical drive door via the keyboard or the button on it. (Using a Pionner 106 which has worked well before. The whole system slows down, I can't Force Quit Toast - it just says it quits but...
  14. C

    Deleting Page Breaks In Word 2004 / Osx.

    Using Word 2004 and in a document there is a horizontal line going from side to side which I think is a page break. Is there a simple way of getting rid of this? I'm creating a document which will never be printed. Why these would be in there by default is bewildering. Its so frustrating...
  15. C

    Mail Accounts/folders

    I like order. I have several mail accounts with different folders in each, which I'd like to set up in groups. Is this possible? Using 10.4.2. Windows has Identities. Other apps have Personalities. I haven't seen this in Mail. Hopefully I missed it.
  16. C

    Remap Finder Keys?

    As a new OS X user from Windows I'm finding the Command+DownArrow key combo utterly retarded as a way of opening a file. Every other program I use in OSX uses Enter for entering the program. Ahhh the logic. I need to remap this key. Do you think its possible? Also I want only Delete to...
  17. C

    Copying Files - Problems

    Sometimes I'm copying video files (which are huge) and it gives me a warning message that there is a problem. When I say OK it stops! Instead of skipping that area and copying the rest of the files it just stops. Sometimes the copying process can take hours. That means I have to watch it on...
  18. C

    Microsoft Word 2004 - Line Spacing Dilemmas

    I can't seem to control the spacing between some horizontal lines in a document. 99% are fine. I change from single space to double space but its still single spaced. Anything else I can check? What is the most respected OS X compatible word processor?
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    Finder Column Questions

    How do I go to the bottom of the Finder column instantly with a keyboard shortcut? Option+Spacebar takes me to the top. Any logical thinking person would deduct that Shift+Option+Spacebar would take me in the opposite direction. But no. ?????????
  20. C

    Possible to Remap Keys Just In Finder?

    It seems so bizarre that I have to hit Command + Down Arrow to open something in the Finder by the keyboard. The logical thing is to hit Enter. It opens most everything else everywhere else. So can I remap it? Just for Finder? Then I guess I need to remap the Enter key (since that's used for...