You are an OS X geek when ...

sad but true...

... when the your response to the spinning beach ball is - "well at least it isn't a blue screen" ;^)
... when you realise there just isn't a load option in real-life! (Which is really frustrating)

... when someone bothers you you're thinking about command-(shift-)deleting them.

... when you take a 14-hour flight to Boston/US just to go to the Apple Expo or the other way around, to Paris.
when you dowload steve jobs keynote address &watch it twice...
when you need some cash, and consider selling your car, but never your mac...
When you keep your older Macs around, even if you hardly ever take them for a spin anymore, once you've upgraded just because you can't bear the thought of selling such a dear friend.

When your friends are impressed with the Mac network you've set up with all of your Macs that you can't bear to get rid of.

When you can wirelessly connect to the Internet and to the various Macs around your place as well as bluetooth to your pda and mobile phone and it's still not enough connectivity for you.

Oh, and when you keep a not-so-nice form letter on your .mac e-mail account that you send off to various idiot-run companies from time to time reminding them that this is the 21st century when you discover that their products STILL aren't Mac compatible.
You take your Mac on holiday with you.

You shout "Tell me a joke" at your Mac and then laugh when it replies "Knock-knock"

You have Mac mags on your coffee table, bed-side table, and next to the toilet

When you buy an add-on for your mac you also get it a card with a sloppy message written in it
When you computer has been running for weeks wand has a billion open winodws... and at least one of them is a browser with :)
When while you try to remember something you wish you had a chip in your brain that was connected online so you could google for what you don't remember ...
... when you would sooner sell a kidney than your iBook ...

... when you can upload your digital camera in near-total darkness with one hand tied behind your back, and actually enjoy the experience. (Exactly what you might be doing taking photos in near-total darkness with an arm tied behind your back is something that a discrete lady or gentleman would not ask) ...

... When you get up at 2:45 am to watch the MacWorld keynote live (it helps if you are in Australia) ...

... When you have "MacWorld Keynote" written in your diary in BIGGER LETTERS than your own birthday, or your girlfriend's.
...when your coworkers troll you by asking if OS X allows you to open Windows TIFF files. (happened yesterday, actually, and for a moment I fell for it.)
Originally posted by Pawn Trader
...when your coworkers troll you by asking if OS X allows you to open Windows TIFF files. (happened yesterday, actually, and for a moment I fell for it.)
...So when you save a TIFF in Photoshop why does it ask you if you want "IBM PC" or "Macintosh" "Byte Order"? What's the difference?
... when you are astonished at how very true all of the above are for you ...

... when someone uses the word "nerdfest" whenever you start talking about your Mac ...

... you don't have a car, and still want to use those Apple bumperstickers that came with your Mac ...

... you put Mac banners on your homepage ...

... you have tabbed-bookmarks of more than 10 mac related news/rumor sites ...

... and check them daily ...

... you reply to this thread just to qualify for "Mac OS X geek" ... :D

... you use this :) smiley!
.. when you want to get a car that will look good with the Apple stickers that you got with your Mac (mmh, the metal colored Smart... yummy! I guess I have to order or bring one from Europe..) :)



.. when you notice that you instinctively talk slower and use simplier vocabulary when you talk to windoze users

.. when you notice that you know about 3 windows users

.. when you use the :) - smile in a non-mac board as well (when you have the
as well)

.. when your favorite t shirts are all Apple, Mac or .Mac related ;)
If you refer to your bedroom as 'The Dock' and are puzzled when people ask you to repeat what you've just said.