
  1. D

    MacOS 10.1 in Deutschland

    Wo kann man sich das Update auf MacOS 10.1 in Deutschland holen? Ist es hier auch umsonst, oder kostet das was? Wenn ja, wieviel? Ich frage mich ausserdem, wo man ein deutsches Update für AppleWorks 6.0.4 bekommen kann? Ich habe bereits versucht, den amerikanischen Updater zu benutzen, aber...
  2. J

    MacOS X 10.1: Connecting 2 Computers Directly

    Does anyone know how to connect two computers running 10.1 together without a network (iMac and PBG4). In OS9 you could do this in two ways: by connecting them directly with an ethernet cable and using file sharing over appletalk::ethernet. When I do this in OS X I can use Connect To Server...
  3. M

    MacOS X printer / scanner or combo

    I keep looking at printer / copier / scanner combos that say "MacOS 9 or later", but I don't have a "warm fuzzy" that they will really work under MacOS X. I don't have MacOS 9 installed, or any classic anything. Can anyone recommend a printer & scanner or ideally a printer / scanner combo...
  4. R

    MacOS X Programming training

    Hi there, I'm new to this newsgroup so pardon me if I disturb you. I'm a former unix enthusiast who's very impressed w/ MacOS X. I'm looking for any organization or company that is providing MacOs X Programming training. Thanks in advance.
  5. R

    MacOS X Web Sharing Update

    I just intalled the OS X Web Sharing Update that became available from Apple via the Software Update System Preference Panel a couple days ago. The problem is now that I have installed the update, I cannot start Web Sharing via the Sharing Preference Panel or via the Terminal by way of starting...
  6. P

    External sound problem on macos X

    I have a imac 233 a series with a external aplifier marantz and kef sound system. In macos 9.04 or 9.2.1 No problem with external sound. In macos x 10.1 10.04 or puma i cant not ear the external monitor sound. Audio external is connect in the audio out. Is a bug? only in the imac? I no have...
  7. S

    Unreal Tournament works with MacOS X + 9.2.1

    Yes it's true! I just ran Unreal Tournament under Classic with MacOS 9.2.1 within MacOS X 10.0.4 and it ran beautifully! It never worked when I had 9.1 on my Classic partition. Amazing... Now I'm going to try it with the OpenGL ini files and see if it really rocks even more...
  8. D

    MacOS X for PC

    MacOS X is the very best OS I know, but I don't have any Mac at home. It's very difficult to get it. I have not so much money and my new PC is very very fast in all thinkable applications like encoding, games, cinema 4d xl7 a.s.o. Why apple don't start a pc project with macosx? Why I must...
  9. O

    MacOS X: First Looks

    Today I posted my review of MacOS X from the BSD perspective. Perhaps you would be interested in reading it... I spent a good deal of time preparing this article after I was unable to find substantial content on this topic. I hope to write...
  10. S

    Moving my whole MacOS X volume

    Hi, I want to copy over my entire MacOS X volume to a larger partition. There are a few problems I can foresee: - Ownership Privileges and Flags - Symbolic Links - Hard Links Is there a safe procedure to do this, without symbolic links getting turned into real directories and hard...
  11. Fahrvergnuugen

    MacOS 10.1 IS OUT

    Steve Jobs showed MacOS 10.1 at MWNY a few minutes ago. Major improvements: Faster finder Moveable Dock DVD Playback Finder CD Burning 1 bounce to load IE on a G4 Anyone else care to add to the list?
  12. M

    AddUser on MacOS X client ??

    Hi. I use MacOS X and I'm now looking for a method to create accounts (add users) by command mode. I know adduser (or useradd, both work) on my PC GNU/LINUX but this doesn't work on my Mac OS X (client) even if I log as root. If you know a way to do that, thank you to help me...
  13. B

    MacOS X Icons in linux?

    I am currently using Linux on x86 hardware. I am curious about using MacOS X icons (whether they're stock or from websites) on my system. However, when I get them uncompressed or what not, they're all 0 bytes and I can't do anything with them. How do I do this?
  14. P

    MacOS X 7300 G3 350 10.04 Cannot see USB card or HP640

    I am using Ryan's fix to make my 7300 run OS X. MacOS X is working. However the USB card and HP640c cannot be seen. The USB card has the Lucent chipset and works with MacOS9.1 with Apple's USB software. The software does not work within the Classic either. Does anyone know what I can do to...
  15. D

    BEA on MacOS X!?!

    Hey, has anybody had any luck running BEA Weblogic on MacOS X? In theory it's a 100% java server but it's huge! I am diving into Enterprise App development on a company I am doing consulting work and would love to do development on an iBook. This would lend a lot of credibility and...
  16. L

    Another shot of MacOS X Screens

    Another shot
  17. N

    MacOS XI?

    Heya! A friend recently convinced me to Aqua-ify my WinMe & WinXP desktop(s) so I did, and anyways, since doing so...The thgout's have now come to me... OS X is out, besides upgrades for it, pretty much that leaves OS XI to come out next...So then that really got me thinking....What will Apple...
  18. I

    building PHP w/ gd on MacOS X

    i want to build php with gd on my macos x. first i installed all libraries (zlib, pnglib and jpeg) and then installed gd. after this i wanted to compile php for gd. "./configure" was ok but then with "make" the following error came: /Users/firewall/Desktop/php-4.0.5/main/.libs Making...
  19. AdmiralAK

    MacOS X 10.0.4 or greater ?

    Any idea when the next upgrade is going to be ? BEfore july or ofter the WWDC ?
  20. F

    Mount NFS volume to MacOS X

    Okay, I've been following all the information that I can find on the web about mounting a LINUX NFS volume to MacOS X. So far, no luck. After adding my Linux box information to NetInfo, I was able to use showmount -a to see the NFS sharing information on the box, but the volume just doesn't...